Satellite Pyramid GII-a
Description: The inconspicuous Cult Pyramid GII-a, located about 29 meters south of the Pyramid of Khafre, is its only known Satellite Pyramid. The ruins of the base of the Cult Pyramid were first explored in 1909–1910 by the German archaeologist Uvo Hölscher. Little remains of the Pyramid. Only a few blocks of its core and fragments of the casing indicate that a structure with a base length of 23 meters once stood in its place. Fragments of wood, animal bones, carnelian and vessel plugs were found in a simple underground structure from a descending corridor and a rectangular chamber. However, the purpose of the Cult Pyramid has not yet been clarified.Alternative names: Satellite Pyramid of Khafre
Lepsius No:
Type: True Pyramid
Location: Giza Plateau
Country: Egypt